Purchase Orders

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ProjX360 provides several options for you to be able to easily create Purchase Orders.


  • Create from your Proposal – Quickly create a PO to include your Proposal products.
  • From Product Manager you can highlight one or grab a selected group of products to create a new PO or add to an existing PO.
  • PO Queue – Add products to the PO Queue so products that you need to order are not missed. You can return to the PO queue page at any point to create a new PO or add to an existing PO.


  • Our PO’s have access to your ProjX360 product manager so you can easily add product to a PO. This will save you time from having to type your product information on the PO.
  • Once Suppliers are setup for each product this will pull in your default supplier along with cost.
  • You can update the draft PO status as needed to Sent to Supplier, Partial Shipment, Shipped, Received/Complete, Archive.
  • Send a PO directly from ProjX360 that allows your Supplier to click an email link and update product status/tracking per product along with notes.
  • Ability to print the on screen PO or save as a pdf if you choose to use your own email client to send.
  • View any associated PO’s on your Project dashboard.